Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The photographer sits still, suspended. He observes.
What is the difference between observation and activism?  Tolstoy the activist, for example, gave the world much less than Tolstoy the observer. As David Brooks recently put it, the best thing about Tolstoy was “his ability to see.” War and Peace magnificently observes the human condition, and makes Tolstoy’s later spiritual proselytizing seem mean and cheap.*
Observation goes against our grain. It is less about doing than about being. It is aesthetic and receptive, rather than logical and programmatic. How to practice this observation?
Behold, the glory of Yahweh appeared in the cloud. (Exodus 16:10) Go where there is cloud—the area where you hang suspended—and what do you see? A transition from one year to the next is a chance to stop, observe, journal, draw, behold. 
Can you receive it like an artist? Enjoy the suspension, do not fight, and the forward motion you seek will flow forth.
Help me to suspend judgment and behold, that I may find You. Amen.

*See Brook’s fine discussion of this point at

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